At JKL Works, we think reviews and testimonials by customers are pretty important. Google does too as they have stated reviews play a very important part in search rankings. To that end, here are the three questions we ask and a link at the end so you can give us a review in a pretty cool way.
What was your biggest fear before using our system? Did it come true, and if not, what happened instead? If you can stomach the answer to this you will come out ahead with valuable information. What, specifically, was your favorite part of our system and why? After the ego brusing above this should more than make up for it. Be sure and take note of this too.
Finally, If you were to recommend us to a close friend, what would you say? This is the gold mine review question of course but you should find all three useful for, you guessed it, business process improvement. If you use them be sure to capture those reviews for testimonial work. Now, if you would consider giving these answers to us in video form then click the link here or at the bottom of our website pages. If you want to know how to set this up, or another version that uses video to ask the questions, then schedule a little time with us.