Write Your Story and Be The News

Write Your Story and Be The News I was in a conversation with a potential prospect today who asked me about how a business moves up the ranks of Google or shows up more on social media. The answer for both Is actually the same…to show up more on Facebook and Google. True, I have […]

Create Seasonal Rain

What is your “hot” time of year for sales or new customer acquisition? We offer some examples and provide two traits that any great offer must have to be successful.

Got Your Tree Up to Finish Strong This Year?

are you prepared for the holidays and the end of the year? If you take a little time and give it some clever thought, you as a small or service business owner or manager can find effective ways to still attract customers. Let’s spend some time on ways to finish strong in 2021.

Are You A Good Reviewer?

Are you a good reviewer? it’s more likely that you count on reviews to find what you need. The question though is “do you give as good as you get?” I want to challenge you to become a better reviewer leaving robust feedback good and bad. Make this a habit and watch what happens.

What’s Your Secret Sauce?

As Fall approaches and wonderful smells of fire pits and baking start to fill the air it brings to life images and taste memories of all sorts of food. For Barbecueing and smoking meats just as with turkey and dressing later on, everyone has their special recipes. Many chefs or grillers have their own “secret […]

Should Your Business Mask Up?

Regardless of your view on masks, vaccines or COVID in general, let us offer a way to thrive with your customers during these crazy times.

Unprecedented Reasons for Early Holiday Shopping in 2021

CNN doesn’t always get everything right these days, but in this case they are spot on when reporting about global container shortages and shipping delays which could postpone your holiday shopping well into the first part of next year. The link to the full article is below but in short shipping delays at ports in […]

Political and Social Issues in Facebook Advertising

We realize it’s been a while since we last published something, and my how things have changed. The pandemic is still in full swing making life incredibly difficult for small businesses and even nonprofit organizations…or at least those who are still tryign to survive. We have lots of help for you on the way but […]

Care and Feeding

Keeping up your online presence may tkae more work you can actually do than you are actually doing.

Google My Business

Google My Business may be the best free advertising service you are not using. Here’s how to make the most of it.

Welcome to JKL Works

Welcome to our new web site. We figured that we have so many tools and opportunities you can take advantage of that the one page solution we had before isn’t enough. You can see all we offer in the top menus and front page. However, we also want to welcome you to the “What Works […]

Kick Start Your Marketing

Today I’d like to teach you about the three most important start up marketing tools you need to get and keep new customers. In person: It’s essential you meet with customers/clients in person whenever possible. This shows you respect them and take the time to work with your clients to give personal attention to each […]

Stop Wasting Your Resources!

Today you’re going to learn how to find a target market of potential customers so you aren’t wasting precious resources on blitz marketing. So, the two questions you have to ask yourself are: What do people really want to buy from me? What related products are they already buying? Once you figure this out you […]

Educate Your Customers

Educate them about what, you may be thinking. Well, consider this, many businesses focus solely on attracting new customers, but you NEED to spend a good chunk of your time retaining current and former customers. These are people you already know to be a good sales potential…they’ve already bought from you! Take the time to […]

Lessons I Learned from Paris Hilton

Today we’ll talk about shameless self-promotion. That’s right, I said it! Shameless! After all, we are learning from Paris Hilton here. It’s all about self-promotion! Self-promotion comes in many forms and you can use different tactics to get your name out there. Look at politicians! Talk about self-promotion and in some not so discreet ways, […]