Does E-mail Marketing Work?

We tackle cold e-mail marketing techniques and viability for companies trying to keep their name in front of customers

Take Over Bad Reviews

We examine a potential client’s bad review which they haven’t responded to, how they can rebound, and how other businesses might learn.

Your Social Planner Is Here

We profile a new add-on to our CRM system that makes it easy for you, and us, to publish multiple posts a week to your social media channels

Another Round of What We’ve Noticed Lately…

We don’t know about where you live, but here in Houston we have noticed that in the past three months, even though we have been “released to move about after COVID”, the traffic seems to have doubled over pre-pandemic levels. This continues even now despite outrageous gas prices (though we understand Houston has some of […]

How Has JKL Works Changed My Life

I spoke with a potential partner today (in the strategic alliance sense), and he asked me all kinds of interesting, personal questions. By that, I mean, how is my business affected by my life experiences? In truth, I have heard it explained that starting a business is the closest men get to childbirth. Of course, […]

Your Own Store Online

There has never been a better time to let us set up your own online store and Shopify is the easiest and best way to make this happen.

Websites of All Shapes and Sizes

A website can be an essential tool to grow your business and inform potential customers, but it only needs to be as big and robust as you actually need.

Search Optimization

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is one of the most misunderstood yet vital parts of any company marketing strategy. Here is why

Message Marketing

Today we discuss message marketing and how it can be used to communicate with clients and prospects alike for your success

Reputation, Reviews & Referrals

Reputation, Reviews adn Referrals are like customer gold to your business if you harness them. Here is how to do just that.

Online Presence

Online Presence is a key part of any digital marketing strategy as we define what it is and why you need it.

Kickoff With A Free Video

To restart marketing efforts or to add a punch with the proven success fact that people love these, consider adding a free video from Google advertising your business.

Might You Be An Entrepreneur?

Are you an Entrepreneur? Do you have what it takes? We dive into this possibility with help from an article in Inc. Magazine.

An Offer You Can Live With

In this post, we show that intentional referral marketing can be an easy windfall for small businesses who want revenue and community to build on success.